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Welcome to Edge Hockey School Registration Page

First Time Registering?

If you have never registered for a hockey camp on this website, you will need to setup an account to get started.

Required Fields are marked with an asterisk *

Account Login Information

Please provide an email and password (minimum 6 characters) for the primary parent/guardian of your account. Keep this information to register your participants for additional programs in the future and to gain access to parent/guardian features, such as invoice history, athlete profiles and family calendars.

Parent Information
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Please provide the main contact address for this parent/guardian account.

Communication Preferences

Stay informed with Edge Hockey Schools! Opt in for email updates to get real-time payment notifications, schedules, and personalized camp details—everything you need, right in your inbox. Don’t miss out!

These messages provide factual information and details regarding your ongoing subscriptions or membership account updates, such as an upcoming membership subscription expiry or a club AGM notice.

Stay connected with all the latest from Edge Hockey Schools! By opting in for News, Updates, and Upcoming Programming, you'll receive timely emails about new camp offerings, special events, important announcements, and program updates. Be the first to know about exciting opportunities and ensure you're always up-to-date on everything happening at Edge!